Friday, June 10, 2011

Thank you all for your prayers!

My Mom is scheduled to have surgery on June 16th. She is doing very well, thanks to so many of you for your prayers!

On May 22, 2011 my oldest son Seth broke his arm while riding scooters with his cousins. What was supposed to be a fun weekend turned into a trip to the ER. We were there all day until 11:30 PM. They set and reset his arm 3 times, a horrible thing to see my son go through. Because it is an unstable brake ( he broke both the Ulna & Radius) we have been back to the hospital every few days for the the doctor to keep a close eye on his arm. They have also been resetting and manipulating and x-raying his arm and re-casting it. 
 Our next appointment is June 13th, the Orthopedic Surgeon will take more x-rays to see if the bones are holding. She will then tell us whether or not Seth will need surgery... 

Through all that is going on I am holding tight to Jesus' hand, He is my Peace, He is my Strength, He is my Rock that I hold onto, I can't imagine what I'd do without Him!


Seth  Easter Sunday 2011

Friday, April 29, 2011


Okay, the colonoscopy wasn't too bad ;)

I got the test results back today and they removed a very small polyp and it was benign. Very good news!
I will put up with a little discomfort to keep myself  healthy anyday!

Trusting in JESUS...

Monday, April 18, 2011

A Colonoscopy... Me????

Today is the day before my scheduled Colonoscopy.

I dread this but I feel like it should be done! I want to keep myself as healthy as I can for my family and myself. :)

A lot has been happening in our family these past few months - things I didn't want say out loud or write about, but I think I am ready...

Last July my Mom, at age 71, my best friend in the whole world was diagnosed with Colorectal Cancer. 
My thoughts weren't the normal thoughts - How? Why? What will we do???

But instead, peace a peace only my Heavenly Father could bring!

My Parents are awesome, God-fearing, family loving people who are also Pastor's of our church! They have taught us, I have 3 sister's, to live a Holy life after Jesus, to seek Him in everything we do and depend on Him always!

When we found out my Mom had Cancer, she was very calm and unafraid. She simply said, "I'm not worried, God will use this for His glory."

A woman who taught me God is bigger than any mountain, all of my life, is an incredible woman who hasn't wavered in her Faith.

She has shown me that 'this is the way you live what you believe.

I have seen my precious mama drop in weight from her size 12 comfy Mimi (Grandma) type body to a size 4, 111 pounds weak and tired body, but strong in Spirit. 

Still giving God the Glory and carrying the Peace that passeth all understanding, never questioning why, but waiting patiently to see what God has in store for her.

Today is her last day of what has been 25 agonizing radiation and Chemo treatments.

Next step, Keep trusting in the Lord, and see the Oncologist in 2 weeks.

Thank you so much for listening!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spring Is On Its Way!

Despite the off and on again warm weather, Spring is coming! I love Springtime! It's refreshing, out with the old and in with the new! It's a time for many things around our house... Cleaning out closets, deep cleaning the house, inside and out (my kids would say ugghh!!), starting the downhill stride of our schoolyear, beach trips, picnics, bike rides and more!

What is your favorite thing about Spring??

Busy Busy Busy, that's me for what feels like the rest of this year! But an enjoyable Busy!

My daughter Sarah and I are starting a new venture of handmade creations, Sarah Bella Design, We will be opening a store at in a few months. She is so talented for her young age of 6, almost 7. It's definately in the genes!! hee hee

I am continuing to develop my website and adding inventory as time allows. :) at

My plans for this year also include finishing up some courses I'm taking in Fitness and Nutrition and then beginning my next school ambition in Graphic Design (My other passion).

 Leave a comment, sharing something you love about Spring or a new venture you are beginning, I would love to hear about it!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Latest On My New Website!

I now have 14 products loaded into my store with around a thousand more to go, this is so time consuming! :) I have to list my items, then add them to my Excel Spreadsheet then upload them to Google Base.

I keep seeing more and more adorable clothes and stuff to buy but I am trying hard to control myself until what I have is listed...
Here are some sweet dresses by Roxy that are waiting to be added!

This is just a sample of my inventory, I will be getting more items added as fast as I can! lol
I hope you bookmark my store and visit often!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Three Sweet Peas Boutique

I have started working on my own website and I am very excited!! It is quite a bit of work but well worth it!
My new boutique is Three Sweet Peas Boutique. I have a ton of inventory to put in my shop, in fact it is really time consuming, but I am enjoying every minute of the process! I even seem to have figured out Google Base... lol

We have Brand New and Gently Worn Designer clothes, shoes, accessories and handbags without the Designer price tag for Women, Children & Moms-To-Be! All of my inventory is personally selected by me. It is in stock and ready to ship.

I love dressing my children in Name Brand clothing but don't love the Designer price tag! So after doing a lot, and I mean a lot :) of research have found what I believe to be the best way to buy these items at a fraction of the retail price and pass the huge savings on to you!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Celebrating The New Year

We are looking forward to a lot of new changes this year! Changes for the better.  We are trusting in the Lord to guide us into the direction He wants us to go.

Some of my resolutions for this year are:
  • Getting closer To Jesus
  • More Bible time with my Children
  • Spending more quality time with my family
  • Relaxing and Enjoying each day as it happens
I am hoping everyone has a wonderful New Year! 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

An Awesome New Year!!

The New Year brought SNOW at Mimi & Papa's!! Needless to say, my kiddos had a blast!

They had snowball fights, made snow angels and just enjoyed playing in the snow!! Something we don't have at home on the coast.
Afterwards they came in to unthaw in front of a cozy fire Papa built and drank hot chocolate! Mmmmm...