Friday, June 10, 2011

Thank you all for your prayers!

My Mom is scheduled to have surgery on June 16th. She is doing very well, thanks to so many of you for your prayers!

On May 22, 2011 my oldest son Seth broke his arm while riding scooters with his cousins. What was supposed to be a fun weekend turned into a trip to the ER. We were there all day until 11:30 PM. They set and reset his arm 3 times, a horrible thing to see my son go through. Because it is an unstable brake ( he broke both the Ulna & Radius) we have been back to the hospital every few days for the the doctor to keep a close eye on his arm. They have also been resetting and manipulating and x-raying his arm and re-casting it. 
 Our next appointment is June 13th, the Orthopedic Surgeon will take more x-rays to see if the bones are holding. She will then tell us whether or not Seth will need surgery... 

Through all that is going on I am holding tight to Jesus' hand, He is my Peace, He is my Strength, He is my Rock that I hold onto, I can't imagine what I'd do without Him!


Seth  Easter Sunday 2011